Monday, May 7, 2012
Bagaimana mengembangkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris?
There are many ways to improve your level of English:
Adverb of manner (Kata keterangan cara)
Adverb of manner (kata keterangan cara) adalah kata yang menerangkan bagaimana Subyek (orang / benda) melakukan suatu PREDIKAT (pekerjaan) terhadap suatu OBYEK
Cara membentuk Adverb of manner :
contoh :
Slowly = dengan perlahan
Loudly = dengan keras
Beautifully = dengan indah
Easily = dengan mudah
Carefully = dengan hati-hati
Adverb of manner biasanya terletak setelah kata kerja atau setelah obyek
Contoh :
He swims well >>> Dia berenang dengan baik (setelah kata kerja) He plays the flute beautifully>>> Dia bermain musik dengan indah (setelah obyek)
Adverb of manner tidak pernah terletak di antara kata kerja dan obyek
He ate greedily the chocolate cake (salah) dia memakan dengan rakus kue coklat itu
He ate the chocolate cake greedily (benar) Dia memakan kue coklat itu dengan rakus
Cara membentuk Adverb of manner :
contoh :
Slowly = dengan perlahan
Loudly = dengan keras
Beautifully = dengan indah
Easily = dengan mudah
Carefully = dengan hati-hati
Adverb of manner biasanya terletak setelah kata kerja atau setelah obyek
Contoh :
He swims well >>> Dia berenang dengan baik (setelah kata kerja) He plays the flute beautifully>>> Dia bermain musik dengan indah (setelah obyek)
Adverb of manner tidak pernah terletak di antara kata kerja dan obyek
He ate greedily the chocolate cake (salah) dia memakan dengan rakus kue coklat itu
He ate the chocolate cake greedily (benar) Dia memakan kue coklat itu dengan rakus
Adverb of manner
Jika ada preposisi sebelum obyek , kita bisa menempatkan Adverb setelah sebelum preposisi atau setelah obyek.
- He stay happily at home
- He stay at home happily
- well (dengan baik)
- badly (dengan buruk)
- hard (dengan keras)
- fast (dengan cepat)
Latihan Adverb of manner
- She sang (dengan (suara) keras) in the bath>>>> loudly
- They whispered (dengan (suara ) lembut) >>>>softly
- The tortoise walked (dengan perlahan ) >>>> slowly
- She smiled (dengan indah/cantik) >>>> prettily
- I had to run (dengan cepat) to catch the bus >>>> fast
- He held his grandson (dengan hati-hati) >>>> carefully
- She knows the road (dengan baik) >>>> well
- We're going camping tomorrow so we have to get up (lebih pagi/awal) >>>> early
- Andy doesn't often work (dengan keras / giat) >>>> hard
- He walked (dengan gembira ) down the road to school >>>> happily
- They dance (dengan indah) >>>> beautifully
Kata keterangan sifat (ADJECTIVE)
Kata sifat menerangkan tentang kondisi satu benda , berdasarkan sifat-sifat fisik maupun sifat intrinsiknya. Pada pelajaran sebelumnya kita sudah belajar bahwa kata sifat adalah pembentuk dari kata keterangan cara.
Berikut ini daftar kata sifat dan kata keterangan cara
SLOW -SLOWLY (perlahan)
BAD - BADLY (buruk)
HAPPY-HAPPILY (gembira / bahagia)
LUCKY-LUCKILY (beruntung)
PROBABLE - PROBABLY (memungkinkan)
GENTLE - GENTLY (lembut)
BASIC - BASICALLY (mendasar)
ECONOMIC - ECONOMICALLY (ekonomis / hemat)
Kata sifat berikut ini mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan kata keterangan cara :
Kata sifat yang lain antara lain berdasarkan :
Warna : red, yellow, pink , purple , silver
Ukuran : big , small , medium , wide , long , short
Rasa : sweet , sour , bitter
Intelektual : clever , stupid , dilligent , lazy , smart
Berikut ini daftar kata sifat dan kata keterangan cara
SLOW -SLOWLY (perlahan)
BAD - BADLY (buruk)
HAPPY-HAPPILY (gembira / bahagia)
LUCKY-LUCKILY (beruntung)
PROBABLE - PROBABLY (memungkinkan)
GENTLE - GENTLY (lembut)
BASIC - BASICALLY (mendasar)
ECONOMIC - ECONOMICALLY (ekonomis / hemat)
Kata sifat berikut ini mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan kata keterangan cara :
Kata sifat yang lain antara lain berdasarkan :
Warna : red, yellow, pink , purple , silver
Ukuran : big , small , medium , wide , long , short
Rasa : sweet , sour , bitter
Intelektual : clever , stupid , dilligent , lazy , smart
Mendengar / Listening adalah kunci
Mendengar / listening adalah kunci untuk bisa menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
Seperti bayi , ketika mereka belum bisa berbicara , yang mereka lakukan adalah MENDENGAR dan MENDENGAR. Orang tua mereka tidak pernah membuat list / daftar kata , orang tua mereka tidak pernah memberikan tentang Grammar , tetapi dari mendengar orang tuanya atau orang di sekitarnya berbicara , mereka akhirnya menirukan , memahami , dan akhirnya mampu untuk mengutarakan maksudnya dalam Bahasa tersebut.
Langkah selanjutnya setelah memahami Grammar dan melihat dengan mata begitu banyak kata dalam bahasa Inggris adalah mendengar penutur asli Bahasa inggris berbicara. Bisa dengan kaset yang anda beli , atau mendengar radio berbahasa Inggris , atau melihat film , mendengar lagu , mendengarkan berita di televisi , juga bisa gunakan media di internet seperti Youtube untuk bisa mendengarkan orang yang berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Daftar kata / vocabulary yang anda miliki bisa berguna untuk membantu penyerapan dengan lebih cepat , demikian juga Grammar yang sudah anda pelajari. Gunakan waktu paling tidak satu jam sehari untuk mendengarkan suara dalam Bahasa Inggris , catat hal-hal yang anda pahami , dan jangan terlalu risau apabila hanya sebagian yang anda pahami.
Jadi , tetaplah kembangkan kemampuan grammar dan vocabulary anda , untuk bisa mulai berbicara , Gunakan sebisa mungkin , dan DENGAR sebanyak mungkin.
Seperti bayi , ketika mereka belum bisa berbicara , yang mereka lakukan adalah MENDENGAR dan MENDENGAR. Orang tua mereka tidak pernah membuat list / daftar kata , orang tua mereka tidak pernah memberikan tentang Grammar , tetapi dari mendengar orang tuanya atau orang di sekitarnya berbicara , mereka akhirnya menirukan , memahami , dan akhirnya mampu untuk mengutarakan maksudnya dalam Bahasa tersebut.
Langkah selanjutnya setelah memahami Grammar dan melihat dengan mata begitu banyak kata dalam bahasa Inggris adalah mendengar penutur asli Bahasa inggris berbicara. Bisa dengan kaset yang anda beli , atau mendengar radio berbahasa Inggris , atau melihat film , mendengar lagu , mendengarkan berita di televisi , juga bisa gunakan media di internet seperti Youtube untuk bisa mendengarkan orang yang berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Daftar kata / vocabulary yang anda miliki bisa berguna untuk membantu penyerapan dengan lebih cepat , demikian juga Grammar yang sudah anda pelajari. Gunakan waktu paling tidak satu jam sehari untuk mendengarkan suara dalam Bahasa Inggris , catat hal-hal yang anda pahami , dan jangan terlalu risau apabila hanya sebagian yang anda pahami.
Jadi , tetaplah kembangkan kemampuan grammar dan vocabulary anda , untuk bisa mulai berbicara , Gunakan sebisa mungkin , dan DENGAR sebanyak mungkin.
Menggunakan Kata sifat dalam kalimat
Penggunaan Kata sifat (Adjective ) dalam kalimat adalh sebagai berikut :
I buy an apple , the apple is RED (kata sifat berada di belakang to be)
I buy a RED APPLE (kata sifat berada di depan kata benda / NOUN)
She lifts a box , the box is HEAVY
She lifts a HEAVY BOX
They visit a lake , the lake is BEAUTIFUL
I have a dog , the dog is BIG
I have a BIG DOG
Andika can sing a song , the song is DIFFICULT
Andika can sing a DIFFICULT SONG
Latihan :
Saya menjual sebuah tas , tas itu MAHAL
I sell a bag , the bag is EXPENSIVE
Dia membaca sebuah buku , buku itu TEBAL
He reads a book , the book is THICK
He reads a thick Book
Orang laki-laki itu menyapu lantai , lantai itu KOTOR
The man sweeps the floor , the floor is DIRTY
The man sweeps the DIRTY FLOOR
Blok ruang di bawah kalimat untuk mengetahui jawaban
I buy an apple , the apple is RED (kata sifat berada di belakang to be)
I buy a RED APPLE (kata sifat berada di depan kata benda / NOUN)
She lifts a box , the box is HEAVY
She lifts a HEAVY BOX
They visit a lake , the lake is BEAUTIFUL
I have a dog , the dog is BIG
I have a BIG DOG
Andika can sing a song , the song is DIFFICULT
Andika can sing a DIFFICULT SONG
Latihan :
Saya menjual sebuah tas , tas itu MAHAL
I sell a bag , the bag is EXPENSIVE
Dia membaca sebuah buku , buku itu TEBAL
He reads a book , the book is THICK
He reads a thick Book
Orang laki-laki itu menyapu lantai , lantai itu KOTOR
The man sweeps the floor , the floor is DIRTY
The man sweeps the DIRTY FLOOR
Blok ruang di bawah kalimat untuk mengetahui jawaban
Dari pelajaran 1-39 , kita sudah belajar tentang bagaimana unsur-unsur dalam kalimat dalam pola S-P-O-K. Dan diharapkan anda sudah bisa membuat kalimat-kalimat sederhana dengan pola tersebut , waalaupun belum sempurna , tetapi coba gunakan pengetahuan yang ada semaksimal mungkin.
Salah satu unsur penting dalam penguasaan Bahasa Inggris adalh penguasaan tenses.
TENSES dalam Bahasa Inggris selalu berhubungan dengan waktu.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak terjadi perubahan dalam kalimat walaupun terjadi perubahan waktu. Jadi inti dari belajar tenses adalah mempelajari perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi di kalimat karena WAKTU yang berbeda.
Contoh :
Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris SETIAP HARI
Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris SEKARANG
Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris DUA TAHUN YANG LALU
Saya akan belajar Bahasa Inggris TAHUN DEPAN
Anda lihat , Kalimat pokok yaitu SAYA BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS , tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk walaupun dimaksudkan untuk waktu yang berbeda.
Dalam bahasa Inggris ketika tanda waktu berubah maka bentuk kalimat juga akan mengalami perubahan pada salah satu unsurnya.
Itulah yang dipelajari dalam TENSES....
Renungkan hal ini....ketika ada belajar TENSES , maka anda sedang belajar merubah SALAH SATU unsur kalimat , sesuai tanda waktunya.
itulah tenses..... kita akan lanjutkan di pelajaran berikutnya.
Salah satu unsur penting dalam penguasaan Bahasa Inggris adalh penguasaan tenses.
TENSES dalam Bahasa Inggris selalu berhubungan dengan waktu.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak terjadi perubahan dalam kalimat walaupun terjadi perubahan waktu. Jadi inti dari belajar tenses adalah mempelajari perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi di kalimat karena WAKTU yang berbeda.
Contoh :
Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris SETIAP HARI
Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris SEKARANG
Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris DUA TAHUN YANG LALU
Saya akan belajar Bahasa Inggris TAHUN DEPAN
Anda lihat , Kalimat pokok yaitu SAYA BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS , tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk walaupun dimaksudkan untuk waktu yang berbeda.
Dalam bahasa Inggris ketika tanda waktu berubah maka bentuk kalimat juga akan mengalami perubahan pada salah satu unsurnya.
Itulah yang dipelajari dalam TENSES....
Renungkan hal ini....ketika ada belajar TENSES , maka anda sedang belajar merubah SALAH SATU unsur kalimat , sesuai tanda waktunya.
itulah tenses..... kita akan lanjutkan di pelajaran berikutnya.
Coba perhatikan contoh beri kut ini
I - learn - English- Everyday (lihat kalimat ini dalamsusunan S_P_O_K)
I - learned - English - Yesterday
I - am learning - English - Now
I - will learn - English - Tomorrow
I - have learned - English - Before
Kita lihat bahwa ketika tanda waktu berubah terjadi perubahan dalam kalimat.
apa yang berubah?
Subyek (I) tidak berubah
Obyek ( English ) tidak berubah
Kata keterangan waktu ( berubah)
Predikat / Kata kerja (learn) -berubah
Kesimpulan : Yang berubah adalah PREDIKAT , ketika anda mempelajari TENSES , yang perlu anda fokuskan adalah penguasaan PREDIKAT / KATA KERJA dan perubahannya dalam 3 bentuk , yaitu kata kerja bentuk 1 , 2 , dan 3
I - learn - English- Everyday (lihat kalimat ini dalamsusunan S_P_O_K)
I - learned - English - Yesterday
I - am learning - English - Now
I - will learn - English - Tomorrow
I - have learned - English - Before
Kita lihat bahwa ketika tanda waktu berubah terjadi perubahan dalam kalimat.
apa yang berubah?
Subyek (I) tidak berubah
Obyek ( English ) tidak berubah
Kata keterangan waktu ( berubah)
Predikat / Kata kerja (learn) -berubah
Kesimpulan : Yang berubah adalah PREDIKAT , ketika anda mempelajari TENSES , yang perlu anda fokuskan adalah penguasaan PREDIKAT / KATA KERJA dan perubahannya dalam 3 bentuk , yaitu kata kerja bentuk 1 , 2 , dan 3
simple present tense
Simple present tense.
Dalam pelajaran 1-41 , contoh-contoh yang saya gunakan adalah dalam bentuk simple present tense.
Ciri utama simple present tense adalah penggunaan kata kerja (verb) bentuk pertama , dalam penggunaannya.
Bentuknya adalah sebagai berikut : S + P (v1) + O + K
Kapan kita menggnakan tense ini dalam percakapan? Yaitu ketika kita ingin mengungkapkan suatu kondisi seperti ini :
1.Suatu kegiatan yang merupakan kebiasaan dan berulang secara teratur.
2. Suatu kebenaran umum
3. Suatu kejadian yang akan terjadi dengan segera dalam jangka waktu tidak terlalu lama. Dan biasanya berhubungan dengan transportasi umum.
4.Untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu kejadian sedang berlangsung atau tidak berlangsung saat ini.
Dalam pelajaran 1-41 , contoh-contoh yang saya gunakan adalah dalam bentuk simple present tense.
Ciri utama simple present tense adalah penggunaan kata kerja (verb) bentuk pertama , dalam penggunaannya.
Bentuknya adalah sebagai berikut : S + P (v1) + O + K
Kapan kita menggnakan tense ini dalam percakapan? Yaitu ketika kita ingin mengungkapkan suatu kondisi seperti ini :
1.Suatu kegiatan yang merupakan kebiasaan dan berulang secara teratur.
- I go to school everyday
- The train leaves every 9 pm
- Tanda waktu yang digunakan adalah every.....(day , week , year , month....etc)
2. Suatu kebenaran umum
- The sky is blue
- Jakarta is in Indonesia
3. Suatu kejadian yang akan terjadi dengan segera dalam jangka waktu tidak terlalu lama. Dan biasanya berhubungan dengan transportasi umum.
- The train leaves tonight at 11 pm
- Does class begin tomorrow?
- The plane arrives at 12 pm
4.Untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu kejadian sedang berlangsung atau tidak berlangsung saat ini.
- I am here now
- They are not here now
Adverb of frequency
Kata keterangan yang sering digunakan dalam simple present tense adalah Kata keterangan kekerapan (frekuensi).
Contoh : I always read newspaper every morning.
Coba hafalkan dengan cara sebagai berikut :
Saya mempunyai sifat :
Selalu always
Biasanya usually
Sering often
Kadang-kadang sometimes
Jarang seldom , dan....
Tidak pernah never
Baca daftar adverb di atas seperti sebuah kalimat.
What do you get?
Contoh : I always read newspaper every morning.
Coba hafalkan dengan cara sebagai berikut :
Saya mempunyai sifat :
Selalu always
Biasanya usually
Sering often
Kadang-kadang sometimes
Jarang seldom , dan....
Tidak pernah never
Baca daftar adverb di atas seperti sebuah kalimat.
What do you get?
Present tense
Berikut ini conoth kalimat-kalimat dalam bentuk present tense , dan kita mengngat kembali tentang kalimat nominal dan verbal.
She is a nurse
The apple is red
I am a teacher
They are not always in the garden
Nikita is a beautiful girl
Contoh kalimat (verbal - menggunakan kata kerja)
I always go to the gym every morning
She never goes to abroad
The boy delivers the basket every evening
The students learn english every saturday
He does not sweep the floor
She is a nurse
The apple is red
I am a teacher
They are not always in the garden
Nikita is a beautiful girl
Contoh kalimat (verbal - menggunakan kata kerja)
I always go to the gym every morning
She never goes to abroad
The boy delivers the basket every evening
The students learn english every saturday
He does not sweep the floor
Kapan kita gunakan Pas tense ?
1. Segala sesuatu yang terjadi DAHULU.....DULU dan sekarang sudah tidak terjadi lagi.
Contoh :
Contoh :
Contoh :
Contoh :
Ikuti di Belajar Bahasa inggris mandiri berikutnya
1. Segala sesuatu yang terjadi DAHULU.....DULU dan sekarang sudah tidak terjadi lagi.
Contoh :
- I saw a movie yesterday.
- I didn't see a play yesterday.
- Last year, I traveled to Japan.
- Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
- Did you have dinner last night?
- She washed her car.
- He didn't wash his car.
Contoh :
- I lived in Jakartal for two years.
- Sinta studied English for five years.
- They sat at the beach all day.
- They did not stay at the party the entire time.
- We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
- A: How long did you wait for them?
B: We waited for one hour.
Contoh :
- I studied English when I was a child.
- He played the violin. (sekarang tidak lagi)
- He didn't play the piano.
- Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
- She worked at the movie theater after school.
- They never went to school, they always skipped class.
Contoh :
- She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.
- He didn't like tomatoes before.
- Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
- People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.
Ikuti di Belajar Bahasa inggris mandiri berikutnya
Perubahan tense , selalu disertai perubahan pada PREDIKATNYA
Pada PAST TENSE , terjadi perubahan pada Predikat yaitu KATA KERJA / VERB dan atau KATA KERJA BANTU / Auxilliary verb
Bentuk present tense :
Julian buys the newspaper everyday
Bentuk past tense
Julian bought the newspaper yesterday
Terjadi perubahan dari buys menjadi bought , buys adalah bentuk 1 , sedangkan bought adalah bentuk kedua (pelajari daftar regular dan irregular verb)
Misal 2
Bentuk present tense :
Julian is a student
bentuk past tense :
Julian was a student twenty years ago
ket : AM = WAS , IS = WAS , ARE = WERE
peraturan penggunaan sama dengan present tense, hanya kita harus perhatikan perubahan bentuknya. Kuncinya adalah penguasaan kata kerja serta perubahannya.
Pada PAST TENSE , terjadi perubahan pada Predikat yaitu KATA KERJA / VERB dan atau KATA KERJA BANTU / Auxilliary verb
Bentuk present tense :
Julian buys the newspaper everyday
Bentuk past tense
Julian bought the newspaper yesterday
Terjadi perubahan dari buys menjadi bought , buys adalah bentuk 1 , sedangkan bought adalah bentuk kedua (pelajari daftar regular dan irregular verb)
Misal 2
Bentuk present tense :
Julian is a student
bentuk past tense :
Julian was a student twenty years ago
ket : AM = WAS , IS = WAS , ARE = WERE
peraturan penggunaan sama dengan present tense, hanya kita harus perhatikan perubahan bentuknya. Kuncinya adalah penguasaan kata kerja serta perubahannya.
Ubah kalimat present tense di bawah ini menjadi kalimat past tense
1. She looks at the garden everyday > She saw the film yesterday
2. He wakes up at 5 o'clock every morning > He woke up at 5 o'clock lastweek
3. They are soldiers > They were soldiers 20 years ago
4. Anita and I play tennis everysaturday > Anita and I played tennis yesterday
5. We practice basketball everyday > We practiced basketball two days ago
6.She washes her cloth everyday > She washed her cloth last week
7. I travell to japan every year > I travelled to Japan last year
8.They always bring the little ring > They brought the little ring
9. Sunny types the letter > Sunny typed the letter
10. I get a bag of vegetable every morning> I got a bag of vegetable three days ago
Blok tulisan di samping tanda panah untuk mengetahui jawaban
1. She looks at the garden everyday > She saw the film yesterday
2. He wakes up at 5 o'clock every morning > He woke up at 5 o'clock lastweek
3. They are soldiers > They were soldiers 20 years ago
4. Anita and I play tennis everysaturday > Anita and I played tennis yesterday
5. We practice basketball everyday > We practiced basketball two days ago
6.She washes her cloth everyday > She washed her cloth last week
7. I travell to japan every year > I travelled to Japan last year
8.They always bring the little ring > They brought the little ring
9. Sunny types the letter > Sunny typed the letter
10. I get a bag of vegetable every morning> I got a bag of vegetable three days ago
Blok tulisan di samping tanda panah untuk mengetahui jawaban
Past Tense - Kalimat tanya
Dalam Past tense , bentuk kalimat tanya (pertanyaan tertutup / dengan jawaban ya / tidak) dibentuk dengan perubahan Auxiliary verb sebagai berikut :
DO / DOES menjadi DID
AM menjadi WAS
IS menjadi WAS
ARE menjadi WERE
Contoh :
I went to the cinema
Do you go to the cinema?(present tense)
Did you go to the cinema? > Yes I did / No Idid not
(WENT kembali menjadi GO ketika auxiliary DID muncul)
She wrote a poem last Sunday
Does she always write a poem every Sunday? (present tense)
Did she write a poem last Sunday?
(wrote kembali menjadi write )
Are you sick?
Were you sick?
Is she a policewoman?
Was she a police woman?
DO / DOES menjadi DID
AM menjadi WAS
IS menjadi WAS
ARE menjadi WERE
Contoh :
I went to the cinema
Do you go to the cinema?(present tense)
Did you go to the cinema? > Yes I did / No Idid not
(WENT kembali menjadi GO ketika auxiliary DID muncul)
She wrote a poem last Sunday
Does she always write a poem every Sunday? (present tense)
Did she write a poem last Sunday?
(wrote kembali menjadi write )
Are you sick?
Were you sick?
Is she a policewoman?
Was she a police woman?
Past tense - Kalimat negatif
Pembentukan kalimat negatif, dengan pola sama seperti pada Present Tense
I do not watch the program.
I did not watch the program.
I do not do the homework.
I did not do the homework.
She does not bake the cake.
She did not bake the cake.
Wawan does not wear the uniform.
Wawan did not wear the uniform.
Pada contoh di atas, tidak terjadi perubahan pada kata kerja (verb) , tetapi terjadi perubahan pada axiliary verb (do&does)
She is not a polite girl.
She was not a polite girl.
They are not naughty student.
They were not naughty student.
Ali is not a pilot.
Ali was not a pilot.
Sekarang coba ubah kalimat di bawah ini menjadi bentuk past tense, berikan jawaban di kolom komentar.
1. We are human.
2. The earth rotates around the sun.
3. The woman is beautiful.
I do not watch the program.
I did not watch the program.
I do not do the homework.
I did not do the homework.
She does not bake the cake.
She did not bake the cake.
Wawan does not wear the uniform.
Wawan did not wear the uniform.
Pada contoh di atas, tidak terjadi perubahan pada kata kerja (verb) , tetapi terjadi perubahan pada axiliary verb (do&does)
She is not a polite girl.
She was not a polite girl.
They are not naughty student.
They were not naughty student.
Ali is not a pilot.
Ali was not a pilot.
Sekarang coba ubah kalimat di bawah ini menjadi bentuk past tense, berikan jawaban di kolom komentar.
1. We are human.
2. The earth rotates around the sun.
3. The woman is beautiful.
Kalimat tanya dan kata tanya
Do you eat the meatball? Are you a carpenter? Adalah kalimat tanya yang jawabannya hanya dua yaitu YES I DO , NO I DO NOT , YES I AM , NO IAM NOT
Bagaimana dengan kalimat tanya berikut ini.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan terbuka , yang jawabannya tergantung pada kata tanya what, where , when , who, dst
Bagaimanakah proses pembentukan kalimat tanya ini? Kita akan pelajari pola pikir dari kalimat tanya ini di pelajaran berikutnya.
Bagaimana dengan kalimat tanya berikut ini.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan terbuka , yang jawabannya tergantung pada kata tanya what, where , when , who, dst
Bagaimanakah proses pembentukan kalimat tanya ini? Kita akan pelajari pola pikir dari kalimat tanya ini di pelajaran berikutnya.
Kalimat tanya dan kata tanya
Kita akan lihat bagian demi bagian bagaimana sebuah kata tanya bisa terbentuk , kiranya pola pikir ini bisa memperjelas pengertian tentang kata tanya.
Lihat kalimat ini :
Suji writes a novel in the bedroom every morning.
Ubah kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat tanya
Does Suji write a novel in the bedroom every morning?
Jawaban : Yes He does / No he does not
Bagaimana kalimat tersebut bisa menjadi kalimat tanya terbuka?
Lihat :
........writes a novel in the bedroom every morning (Suji menjadi seseorang yang tidak diketahui)
Berubah menjadi kalimat tanya:
........does write a novel in the bedroom every morning?
WHO does write a novel in the bedroom every morning?
*SUJI does
WHO muncul karena ada sesuatu dalam kalimat yang tidak diketahui yaitu : SUJI
Lihat lagi :
Suji writes the bedroom every morning. (Apa yang ditulis Suji menjadi sesuatu yang tidak diketahui)
Does Suji the bedroom every morning?
WHAT does Suji write in the bedroom every morning?
Suji writes a novel in the bedroom every morning
WHAT muncul karena apa yang ditulis Suji tidak diketahui.
Cobalah dengan menghilangkan salah satu unsur dalam kalimat di atas dan ubahlah menjadi kalimat tanya.
Pembahasan ini tidak perlu terlalu dipikirkan pada waktu conversation , tetapi hal ini untuk memperkuat pola pikir kita terhadap bahasa, serta meningkatkan sense berbahasa.
Lihat kalimat ini :
Suji writes a novel in the bedroom every morning.
Ubah kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat tanya
Does Suji write a novel in the bedroom every morning?
Jawaban : Yes He does / No he does not
Bagaimana kalimat tersebut bisa menjadi kalimat tanya terbuka?
Lihat :
........writes a novel in the bedroom every morning (Suji menjadi seseorang yang tidak diketahui)
Berubah menjadi kalimat tanya:
........does write a novel in the bedroom every morning?
WHO does write a novel in the bedroom every morning?
*SUJI does
WHO muncul karena ada sesuatu dalam kalimat yang tidak diketahui yaitu : SUJI
Lihat lagi :
Suji writes the bedroom every morning. (Apa yang ditulis Suji menjadi sesuatu yang tidak diketahui)
Does Suji the bedroom every morning?
WHAT does Suji write in the bedroom every morning?
Suji writes a novel in the bedroom every morning
WHAT muncul karena apa yang ditulis Suji tidak diketahui.
Cobalah dengan menghilangkan salah satu unsur dalam kalimat di atas dan ubahlah menjadi kalimat tanya.
Pembahasan ini tidak perlu terlalu dipikirkan pada waktu conversation , tetapi hal ini untuk memperkuat pola pikir kita terhadap bahasa, serta meningkatkan sense berbahasa.
Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menerangkan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan ketika kegiatan tersebut sedang dilakukan.
Kalimat ini terbentuk atas unsur-unsur :
Subyek - tobe - verb1 + ing
Dalam present continuous tense , verb dan to be bisa "bersatu" karena ada unsur ING.
I am walking
She is cooking
They are shopping
We are playing
Are they talking?
He is not learning
Is Andika swimming?
Tanda waktu yang digunakan adalah NOW, RIGHT NOW
Tense ini relatif mudah dipahami, tetapi pemula bahasa Inggris sering rancu dalam penggunannya dengan present tense.
Seringkali ada kalimat-kalimat seperti ini :
I am walk
She is cook
We are play
Kecenderungan ini nampaknya muncul karena mengatakan I am , She is , They are, terasa lebih lengkap daripada I saja , atau she aja.
Tetapi yang perlu diingat adalah bahwa Verb dan Tobe hanya bisa bersatu ktika ada unsur ING ini.
Kalimat ini terbentuk atas unsur-unsur :
Subyek - tobe - verb1 + ing
Dalam present continuous tense , verb dan to be bisa "bersatu" karena ada unsur ING.
I am walking
She is cooking
They are shopping
We are playing
Are they talking?
He is not learning
Is Andika swimming?
Tanda waktu yang digunakan adalah NOW, RIGHT NOW
Tense ini relatif mudah dipahami, tetapi pemula bahasa Inggris sering rancu dalam penggunannya dengan present tense.
Seringkali ada kalimat-kalimat seperti ini :
I am walk
She is cook
We are play
Kecenderungan ini nampaknya muncul karena mengatakan I am , She is , They are, terasa lebih lengkap daripada I saja , atau she aja.
Tetapi yang perlu diingat adalah bahwa Verb dan Tobe hanya bisa bersatu ktika ada unsur ING ini.
Future tense adalah tense yang kita pergunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau kegiatan yang terjadi di MASA DEPAN dan belum terjadi ketika hal tersebut dikatakan.
Pembentukan kalimat :
Subyek+ WILL/be going to+ verb1
I will spend my money wisely
Sonny will joint with me in the basket ball team
Ana will not play the game
She will be a good doctor
My Father is going to go to Semarang tomorrow
I am going to repair my suitcase
Tanda waktu yang digunakan adalah
Tomorrow , next (year,mont, week,time) , go
Karena tense ini berbicara tetang masa depan, dan masa depan mengandung ketidakpastian, maka dalam pengungkapannya tense ini akan dinyatakan dalam beberapa tingkat kepastian, silakan ikuti pelajaran selanjutnya.
Pembentukan kalimat :
Subyek+ WILL/be going to+ verb1
I will spend my money wisely
Sonny will joint with me in the basket ball team
Ana will not play the game
She will be a good doctor
My Father is going to go to Semarang tomorrow
I am going to repair my suitcase
Tanda waktu yang digunakan adalah
Tomorrow , next (year,mont, week,time) , go
Karena tense ini berbicara tetang masa depan, dan masa depan mengandung ketidakpastian, maka dalam pengungkapannya tense ini akan dinyatakan dalam beberapa tingkat kepastian, silakan ikuti pelajaran selanjutnya.
Future tense adalah tense yang merujuk ke masa depan, dan masa depan mengandung ketidakpastian (uncertainty). maka dalam pengungkapannya future tense terbagi atas tingkat kepastian sebagai berikut :
1. Akan terjadi di masa depan tetapi mengandung kemungkinan gagal.
1. Akan terjadi di masa depan tetapi mengandung kemungkinan gagal.
- I will go to Jakarta nexth month. (Saya akan pergi ke Jakarta bulan depan tetapi belum pasti)
- She will help her mother.
- Ani will write a novel
- I am going to repair the fence tomorrow. (mungkin sudah membeli peralatan untuk memperbaiki)
- She is going to continue studu in Havard University.
- Chris John is going to defence his title in Texas.
- I am going to Bandung tomorrow.
- They are playing football this evening.
- He is reading your article soon.
- I am buying the car tomorrow.
Manfaatkan internet
Di era internet ini, kesempatan untuk menguasai Bahasa Inggris dengan baik sangatlah besar. Kalau dulu kita harus berburu buku di toko-toko buku untuk mendapatkan bahan belajar apalagi bacaan dalam Bahasa Inggris, sekarang tinggal browsing akan ditemukan jutaan literatur berbahasa inggris yang bisa kita download untuk memperkaya Bahasa inggris kita.
Mulai suka membaca literatur / artikel dalam Bahasa inggris akan mempercepat penguasaan Bahasa Inggris. Kita bisa mencari artikel-artikel Bahasa Inggris di internet sebgai bahan bacaan. Cari artikel yang sesuai dengan minat dan bidang anda, entah itu satu atau 2 lembar, download dan cetak kemudian jadikan itu bahan latihan. Baca berulang-ulang hingga tiap kata anda mengerti dan isinya anda pahami dengan baik. Anda bisa membawanya ke mana-mana selama 1 minggu atau 1 bulan, explore habis-habisan artikel itu, mungkin hingga kertasnya lusuh dan robek-robek. Keliahatan maniak memang tapi isinya terutama susunan kalimat dan kosa kata sudah terekam di otak dan menjadi milik anda. Setelah 1 artikel selesai cari artikel lain dan mulai explore lagi habis-habisan.
Gaya habis-habisan ini efektif untuk memaksa pikiran kita menerima Bahasa Inggris. Lambat laun akan anda dapatkan :
Indonesia semakin cerdas!!!!
Download > kumpulan cerita rakyat berbahasa inggris
Mulai suka membaca literatur / artikel dalam Bahasa inggris akan mempercepat penguasaan Bahasa Inggris. Kita bisa mencari artikel-artikel Bahasa Inggris di internet sebgai bahan bacaan. Cari artikel yang sesuai dengan minat dan bidang anda, entah itu satu atau 2 lembar, download dan cetak kemudian jadikan itu bahan latihan. Baca berulang-ulang hingga tiap kata anda mengerti dan isinya anda pahami dengan baik. Anda bisa membawanya ke mana-mana selama 1 minggu atau 1 bulan, explore habis-habisan artikel itu, mungkin hingga kertasnya lusuh dan robek-robek. Keliahatan maniak memang tapi isinya terutama susunan kalimat dan kosa kata sudah terekam di otak dan menjadi milik anda. Setelah 1 artikel selesai cari artikel lain dan mulai explore lagi habis-habisan.
Gaya habis-habisan ini efektif untuk memaksa pikiran kita menerima Bahasa Inggris. Lambat laun akan anda dapatkan :
- Kosa kata anda bertambah
- Ada kalimat-kalimat / idiom yang menjadi milik anda
- Pengetahuan dan wawasan anda bertambah
Indonesia semakin cerdas!!!!
Download > kumpulan cerita rakyat berbahasa inggris
Present perfect tense
Present perfect tense digunakan pada kondisi-kondisi sebagai berikut :
1. Ketika suatu kejadian sudah terjadi tetapi periode waktunya belum berakhir.
1. Ketika suatu kejadian sudah terjadi tetapi periode waktunya belum berakhir.
- I have read ten books this month. (Saya telah membaca 3 buah buku bulan ini, tetapi bulan ini belum berakhir ketika kalimat tersebut dinyatakan)
- Susan has broken her ruler again. (Susan telah mematahkan penggaris di suatu waktu tetapi kapan waktunya tidak diketahui).
- My uncle has just arrived this morning. (Paman saya baru saja datang tadi pagi)
- He has studied in USA for two years. (Ia telah belajar di Amerika selama 2 tahun)
- She has lived here since 1960. (Ia telah tinggal di sini sejak tahun 1960)
Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect tense dibentuk dengan menggunakan have / has + verb 3 (kata kerja bentuk ke-3).
I do my englishhomework (present tense)
I am doing my english homework (present continuous tense)
I did my english homework(Past tense)
I will do my english homework (Future tense)
Kata yang bercetak tebal adalah pusat perubahan dalam tense bahasa inggris, untuk perfect tense perubahannya adalah sebagai berikut :
I - have done - my english homework
Terdapat kata bantu have/has + kata kerja bentuk ke-3
have digunakan untuk subyek I, You, We , They
has digunakan untuk subyek He, She , It
Untuk kalimat nominal seperti :
I am in Jakarta
I was in Jakarta
I will be in Jakarta
Perubahan dalan present perfect tense adalah sebagai berikut:
I - have been - in Jakarta
Untuk to be am/was/menjadi have been
Untuk to be is/ was/menjadi has been
Untuk tobe are / were menjadi have been
I do my englishhomework (present tense)
I am doing my english homework (present continuous tense)
I did my english homework(Past tense)
I will do my english homework (Future tense)
Kata yang bercetak tebal adalah pusat perubahan dalam tense bahasa inggris, untuk perfect tense perubahannya adalah sebagai berikut :
I - have done - my english homework
Terdapat kata bantu have/has + kata kerja bentuk ke-3
have digunakan untuk subyek I, You, We , They
has digunakan untuk subyek He, She , It
Untuk kalimat nominal seperti :
I am in Jakarta
I was in Jakarta
I will be in Jakarta
Perubahan dalan present perfect tense adalah sebagai berikut:
I - have been - in Jakarta
Untuk to be am/was/menjadi have been
Untuk to be is/ was/menjadi has been
Untuk tobe are / were menjadi have been
Latihan present perfect tense
Jack (be) my friend for over 20 years. We (know) each other since we were children. Recently, he and his family (move) to a house on the same street as me, and now our children play together almost every day.
For the last ten years, Jack and I (play) for the same hockey team every Saturday. Jack is a better player than I am, but in the last few months he (have) some trouble with his left knee, and he (find) it hard to play a full game. He (see) the doctor several times about his knee, but the doctor doesn't know what is causing his pain. Jack (decide) to take a break from hockey for a while, so that his knee can recover. It's going to be lonely on the team without him!
For the last ten years, Jack and I (play) for the same hockey team every Saturday. Jack is a better player than I am, but in the last few months he (have) some trouble with his left knee, and he (find) it hard to play a full game. He (see) the doctor several times about his knee, but the doctor doesn't know what is causing his pain. Jack (decide) to take a break from hockey for a while, so that his knee can recover. It's going to be lonely on the team without him!
Question tag
Question Tag adalah bentuk kalimat tanya yang pola kalimatnya menggunakan kata tanya pada akhir kalimat. Kalimat tanya ini biasanya tidak membutuhkan jawaban karena digunakan untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang diyakini benar oleh sang penanya.Contoh : Langit itu biru bukan? Salju itu putih bukan?
Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu informasi atau meminta pertolongan. Meminta pertolongan atau bertanya dengan menggunakan question tag berkesan lebih sopan.
Contoh :
Where is the post office? (berkesan tidak cukup sopan)
Do you know where the post office is? (agak lebih sopan)
You wouldn't know where the post office is, would you?
Berdasarkan bentuk kalimatnya dibedakan menjadi tiga yaitu :
Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu informasi atau meminta pertolongan. Meminta pertolongan atau bertanya dengan menggunakan question tag berkesan lebih sopan.
Contoh :
Where is the post office? (berkesan tidak cukup sopan)
Do you know where the post office is? (agak lebih sopan)
You wouldn't know where the post office is, would you?
Berdasarkan bentuk kalimatnya dibedakan menjadi tiga yaitu :
- Positive Statement
- Negative Statement
- Command / Request
Question Tag 2
Basic structure :
Positive statement >>>>> negative tagThe sky is blue, isn't it?
Negative statement >>>>> positive tagYou do not like football, do you?
Bentuk khusus :
I am finish, aren't I? (bukan am not I)
You have to go, don't you? ( bukan haven't you? )
Let's go, shall we? (bukan isn't, karena let's = let us)
Nothing came in the post, did it? (Nothing, nobody, merupakan bentuk negatif)
He'd better do it, hadn't he? (had better, bukan auxillairy)
Positive statement >>>>> negative tagThe sky is blue, isn't it?
Negative statement >>>>> positive tagYou do not like football, do you?
Bentuk khusus :
I am finish, aren't I? (bukan am not I)
You have to go, don't you? ( bukan haven't you? )
Let's go, shall we? (bukan isn't, karena let's = let us)
Nothing came in the post, did it? (Nothing, nobody, merupakan bentuk negatif)
He'd better do it, hadn't he? (had better, bukan auxillairy)
Question Tag 3
Contoh-contoh kalimat
You are coming, aren't You?
We have finished, haven't we?
You do like coffee, don't you?
You like coffee, dont you?
They will help, won't they?
I can come, can't I?
We must go, musn't we?
He should try harder, shouldn't they?
You are Indonesian, aren't You?
John was there, wasn't he?
It isn't rain, is it?
We have never seen that, have we?
You don't like coffee, do you?
They will not help, will they?
They won't report us, will they?
I can never do it right, can I?
We musn't tell her, must we?
He shouldn't drive so fast, should he?
You aren't American, are You?
John was not there, was he?
But you don't really love her, do you?
This will work, won't it?
Well, I couldn't help it, could I?
But you'll tell me if she calls, won't you?
We'd never have known, would we?
The weather's bad, isn't it?
You won't be late, will you?
Nobody knows, do they?
You are coming, aren't You?
We have finished, haven't we?
You do like coffee, don't you?
You like coffee, dont you?
They will help, won't they?
I can come, can't I?
We must go, musn't we?
He should try harder, shouldn't they?
You are Indonesian, aren't You?
John was there, wasn't he?
It isn't rain, is it?
We have never seen that, have we?
You don't like coffee, do you?
They will not help, will they?
They won't report us, will they?
I can never do it right, can I?
We musn't tell her, must we?
He shouldn't drive so fast, should he?
You aren't American, are You?
John was not there, was he?
But you don't really love her, do you?
This will work, won't it?
Well, I couldn't help it, could I?
But you'll tell me if she calls, won't you?
We'd never have known, would we?
The weather's bad, isn't it?
You won't be late, will you?
Nobody knows, do they?
Latihan percakapan
A: Where do you live?
B: I live on Mawar street.
A: Where on Mawar street?
B: At eleven. Next to the cinema.
A: Di mana kamu tinggal?
B: Saya tinggal di Jl.Mawar
A: Jalan Mawarnya di mana?
B: Di (nomor) sebelas. Di samping bioskop
A: What do you do?
B: I'm a salesman.
A: Where do you work?
B: At motorspeed inc
A: Apa pekerjaanmu?
B: Saya seorang wiraniaga.
A: Di mana kamu bekerja?
B: di PT Motorspeed
Latihan percakapan
A: Hello, Bud. How are you?
A: Hello, Bud. Apa kabar?
B: Ani! It's nice to see you.
B: Ani!. Senang berjumpa kamu.
B: Ani!. Senang berjumpa kamu.
A: Do you work in this neighborhood, Bud?
A: Apakah kamu bekerja di sekitar sini, Bud?
A: Apakah kamu bekerja di sekitar sini, Bud?
B: No, but I live near here. I live in a house down the street.
B: Tidak, tapi Saya tinggal di dekat sini. Saya tinggal di sebuah rumah di jalan itu.
B: Tidak, tapi Saya tinggal di dekat sini. Saya tinggal di sebuah rumah di jalan itu.
A: Kalau kamu? Apa kamu kerja di sekitar sini?
B: Yes. I work across the street
B: Ya. Saya kerja di seberang jalan itu
A: At First National Bank?
A: Di First National Bank?
B: No, at Budi's Restoran.
B: Tidak, di Restoran Budi
Funny strory
Berikut ini beberapa cerita lucu sebagai bahan bacaan dan belajar.
The Business Meeting
A business woman named Cindy was in the airport VIP lounge on her way to Los Angeles. While in the VIP lounge, she noticed Donald Trump sitting on the sofa enjoying a brandy. As luck would have it, Cindy was meeting with a very important client who was running somewhat late.
Being a bold business woman, Cindy decided to go ahead and approach Mr. Trump, and introduced herself. Much to her surprise Mr. Trump turned out to be very nice. Encouraged by this she explained to "the Donald" that she was about to close a very important business deal and that she would be very grateful if he could say a quick "hello Cindy" to her when she was with her client. Mr. Trump consented to do just that.
Ten minutes later while Cindy was speaking with her client, she felt a rap on her shoulder. It was Donald Trump. Cindy turned about and looked at him as Trump said.
"Hi Cindy, what's going on?"
To which Cindy glibly replied, "Not now, Donald, can't you see I'm in a meeting!"
Medical Problem
An old woman came into her doctor's office and confessed to an embarrassing problem. "I do that all the time, Doctor Johnson, but they're soundless, and they have no odor. In fact, since I've been here, I did it no less than twenty times. What can I do?"
"Here's a prescription, Mrs. Harris. Take these pills three times a day for seven days and come back and see me in a week."
Next week an upset Mrs. Harris marched into Dr. Johnson's office. "Doctor, I don't know what was in those pills, but the problem is worse! I'm doing it just as much, but now it smells terrible! What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Calm down, Mrs. Harris," said the doctor soothingly. "Now that we've fixed your sinuses, we'll work on your hearing!!!"
The Business Meeting
A business woman named Cindy was in the airport VIP lounge on her way to Los Angeles. While in the VIP lounge, she noticed Donald Trump sitting on the sofa enjoying a brandy. As luck would have it, Cindy was meeting with a very important client who was running somewhat late.
Being a bold business woman, Cindy decided to go ahead and approach Mr. Trump, and introduced herself. Much to her surprise Mr. Trump turned out to be very nice. Encouraged by this she explained to "the Donald" that she was about to close a very important business deal and that she would be very grateful if he could say a quick "hello Cindy" to her when she was with her client. Mr. Trump consented to do just that.
Ten minutes later while Cindy was speaking with her client, she felt a rap on her shoulder. It was Donald Trump. Cindy turned about and looked at him as Trump said.
"Hi Cindy, what's going on?"
To which Cindy glibly replied, "Not now, Donald, can't you see I'm in a meeting!"
Medical Problem
An old woman came into her doctor's office and confessed to an embarrassing problem. "I do that all the time, Doctor Johnson, but they're soundless, and they have no odor. In fact, since I've been here, I did it no less than twenty times. What can I do?"
"Here's a prescription, Mrs. Harris. Take these pills three times a day for seven days and come back and see me in a week."
Next week an upset Mrs. Harris marched into Dr. Johnson's office. "Doctor, I don't know what was in those pills, but the problem is worse! I'm doing it just as much, but now it smells terrible! What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Calm down, Mrs. Harris," said the doctor soothingly. "Now that we've fixed your sinuses, we'll work on your hearing!!!"
The Chicago Police Department
In an effort to determine the top crime fighting agency in the country, the president narrowed the field to three finalist, the CIA, the FBI, and the Chicago Police.
The three remaining contenders were given the task of catching a rabbit which was released into the forest.
The CIA went into the forest. They placed animal informants throughout. They questioned all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigation they concluded that rabbits do not exist.
The FBI went into the forest. After two weeks without a capture, they burned the forest killing everything in it, including the rabbit. They made no apologies. The rabbit deserved it.
The CPD went into the forest. They came out two hours later with a badly beaten bear.
The bear was yelling "Okay, Okay, I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit".
The three remaining contenders were given the task of catching a rabbit which was released into the forest.
The CIA went into the forest. They placed animal informants throughout. They questioned all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigation they concluded that rabbits do not exist.
The FBI went into the forest. After two weeks without a capture, they burned the forest killing everything in it, including the rabbit. They made no apologies. The rabbit deserved it.
The CPD went into the forest. They came out two hours later with a badly beaten bear.
The bear was yelling "Okay, Okay, I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit".
Memperhatikan hal yang tidak diperhatikan
Sebagian besar dari kita tentu tahu dan sering menjumpai tulisan di bawah ini, tapi seberapa banyak dari kita pernah membacanya sampai tuntas dan memahami isinya dan semua istilah di dalamnya? Sebagai pembelajar BAHASA INGGRIS, memperhatikan hal-hal yang tidak diperhatikan akan memperkaya kosa kata dan pemahaman bahasa inggris kita.
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Selain mencoba memahami setiap kata dan kalimat, cobalah inventarisasi istilah-istilah yang tidak dipahami dan cari tahu artinya. Inilah cara mempelajari sesuatu, dan kita lihat pengetahuan kita akan semakin bertambah dari hari ke hari.
Tentang do-does / s-es
ada tiga pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan para pembelajar bahasa inggris sebagai berikut:
Saya belum tahu apakah analisa saya ini benar, tapi coba kita lihat pendapat saya sebagai berikut :
1. Sebenarnya dalam kalimat positifpun ada kata kerja bantu DO dan DOES, misal
4. Dalam kalimat positif yang menggunakan subyek orang ke-3 (he/she), kata kerja selalu ditambahkan s/es karena adanya kata kerja bantu DOES yang tersembunyi.
Jadi hal ini menjawab pertanyaan pembelajar bahasa inggris tentang mengapa harus ada penambahan s/es pada kata kerja yang subyeknya orang ketiga tunggal (pada present tense), dan mengapa do dan does muncul dalam kalimat tanya dan kalimat negatif tetapi tidak terlihat di kalimat positif.
Bagaimana menurut anda?
- Bagaimana dan mengapa kok tiba-tiba muncul DO-DOES dalam kalimat negatif?
- Mengapa DO-DOES tidak muncul dalam kalimat positif?
- Mengapa dalam kalimat yang menggunakan subyek orang ke-3 tunggal (he-she) harus menggunakan tambahan S/ES dan harus hilang ketika DOES muncul dalam kalimat negatif?
Saya belum tahu apakah analisa saya ini benar, tapi coba kita lihat pendapat saya sebagai berikut :
1. Sebenarnya dalam kalimat positifpun ada kata kerja bantu DO dan DOES, misal
- I do go to the town
- She does work in the restaurant
- Shinta does play the piano well
- I do love You ( saya sungguh mencintai kamu)
- I do make it happen
4. Dalam kalimat positif yang menggunakan subyek orang ke-3 (he/she), kata kerja selalu ditambahkan s/es karena adanya kata kerja bantu DOES yang tersembunyi.
- Shinta does play piano well menjadi Shinta plays piano well
- She does work in the restaurant menjadi She works in the restaurant
Jadi hal ini menjawab pertanyaan pembelajar bahasa inggris tentang mengapa harus ada penambahan s/es pada kata kerja yang subyeknya orang ketiga tunggal (pada present tense), dan mengapa do dan does muncul dalam kalimat tanya dan kalimat negatif tetapi tidak terlihat di kalimat positif.
Bagaimana menurut anda?
Present Perfect Coninuous
Present perfect continuous adalah tenses yang mempunyai kegunaan sebagai berikut :
- Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian telah dimulai di masa yang lampau dan tetap/ sedang berlangsung ketika kejadian tersebut sedang diceritakan.
- Untuk menunjukkan suatu durasi waktu, seperti selama 1 minggu, selama dua jam, sejak dua hari yang lalu.
Contoh : Saya telah (dan sedang) menunggu di sini selama empat jam. Mereka telah (dan sedang) berbicara sejak jam lima sore. - Present perfect continuous sering pula dinyatakan sebagai suatu situasi yang disebut "baru-baru ini" atau "belakangan ini"
- Tense ini juga digunakan untuk menanyakan /menduga apa yang dialkukan oleh seseorang berdasarkan yang kita lihat, atau mungkinkita rasakan, kita membaui sesuatu, atau kita mendengar tentang suatu hal. Pertanyaan ini untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang bersifat dugaan.
- Bentuk ini juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian yang telah selesai, tetapi kita masih melihat dampaknya.
- Untuk menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang belum selesai.
- Tense ini juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan serangkaian kegiatan, misalnya menulis serangkaian posting di blog selama beberapa bulan.
Present perfect Continuous
Bentuk umum : has/have + been + present participle (verb 3)
Contoh untuk Pelajaran 60
Contoh untuk kegunaan 1 dan 2 :
He has been working at that company for five years
What have you been doing for the last 20 minutes?
John has been teaching at that kindergarten since February
Why has Nina not been taking her medicine for the last three days?
Tanda waktu yang digunakan :
Contoh untuk Pelajaran 60
Contoh untuk kegunaan 1 dan 2 :
He has been working at that company for five years
What have you been doing for the last 20 minutes?
John has been teaching at that kindergarten since February
Why has Nina not been taking her medicine for the last three days?
Tanda waktu yang digunakan :
Present perfect continuous-
Kita dapat menggunakan Present perfect tense tanpa durasi waktu seperti "for two weeks" (selama 2 minggu), "for an hour" dsb.
Tanpa durasi waktu tense ini mempunyai makna secara umum sebagai "Lately" / "recently" (akhir-akhir ini).
Tanda waktu yang digunakan adalah RECENTLY / LATELY untuk menekankan makna.
Contoh :
Tanpa durasi waktu tense ini mempunyai makna secara umum sebagai "Lately" / "recently" (akhir-akhir ini).
Tanda waktu yang digunakan adalah RECENTLY / LATELY untuk menekankan makna.
Contoh :
- Recently, I have been feeling really tired.
- She has been reading too much book lately
- Have you been exercising lately?
- Marry has been feeling a little depressed
- Lisa has not been practicing her English
- What have you been doing?
Paksa diri anda untuk Stop dreaming start action
Stop Dreaming Start Action, segera action untuk menguasai bahasa asing!
Menguasai sebuah bahasa lain selain bahasa sendiri adalah sebuah kesenangan tersendiri. Saya ingat seorang teman yang begitu fasih berbahasa Jerman, nyaris seperti orang Jerman asli. Ketika saya tanya bagaimana cara dia menguasai bahasa ini, teman saya ini menceritakan bagaimana ibunya memaksanya berbahasa Jerman sejak umur 5 tahun! Ibu teman saya ini seorang lawyer (pengacara) dan sangat fasih berbahasa Jerman. Sejak umur 5 tahun, dua bahasa mulai dijejalkan dalam otak bahasanya dan hasilnya sungguh menguntungkan perjalanan karirnya yang tidak jauh-jauh dari kemampuan Bahasa Jerman.
Penguasaan bahasa asing akan terlihat ketika kita sudah mampu marah dengan bahasa tersebut! Karena ketika dalam keadaan marah, kita berbicara tanpa banyak berpikir, dan ini bisa menjadi sebuah test apakah kita sudah menguasai sebuah bahasa asing atau tidak.
Kalau anda tidak mempunyai orang lain yang bisa memaksa anda untuk belajar sampai benar-benar bisa, satu-satunya jalan anda harus mampu menjadi seorang motivator bagi diri sendiri, seorang mandor bagi diri sendiri. Demikian pula dalam penguasaan ilmu-ilmu yang lain, termasuk ilmu internet seperti yang dilakukan oleh Joko Susilo.
Salah satu kosa kata yangharus anda miliki untuk memiliki sebuah keahlian adalah mulai sering berkata Stop Dreaming Start Action
Menguasai sebuah bahasa lain selain bahasa sendiri adalah sebuah kesenangan tersendiri. Saya ingat seorang teman yang begitu fasih berbahasa Jerman, nyaris seperti orang Jerman asli. Ketika saya tanya bagaimana cara dia menguasai bahasa ini, teman saya ini menceritakan bagaimana ibunya memaksanya berbahasa Jerman sejak umur 5 tahun! Ibu teman saya ini seorang lawyer (pengacara) dan sangat fasih berbahasa Jerman. Sejak umur 5 tahun, dua bahasa mulai dijejalkan dalam otak bahasanya dan hasilnya sungguh menguntungkan perjalanan karirnya yang tidak jauh-jauh dari kemampuan Bahasa Jerman.
Penguasaan bahasa asing akan terlihat ketika kita sudah mampu marah dengan bahasa tersebut! Karena ketika dalam keadaan marah, kita berbicara tanpa banyak berpikir, dan ini bisa menjadi sebuah test apakah kita sudah menguasai sebuah bahasa asing atau tidak.
Kalau anda tidak mempunyai orang lain yang bisa memaksa anda untuk belajar sampai benar-benar bisa, satu-satunya jalan anda harus mampu menjadi seorang motivator bagi diri sendiri, seorang mandor bagi diri sendiri. Demikian pula dalam penguasaan ilmu-ilmu yang lain, termasuk ilmu internet seperti yang dilakukan oleh Joko Susilo.
Salah satu kosa kata yangharus anda miliki untuk memiliki sebuah keahlian adalah mulai sering berkata Stop Dreaming Start Action
Latihan mengembangkan kosa kata
Kosa kata / vocabulary yang kita kuasai sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan kita mempraktekkan bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, termasuk dalam hal mendengar / listening.
Berikut ini beberapa cara yang sifatnya ringan dan bisa dianggap pemainan yang bisa anda praktekkan di kala senggang.
1. Mencari kata yang berhubungan.
Berikut ini beberapa cara yang sifatnya ringan dan bisa dianggap pemainan yang bisa anda praktekkan di kala senggang.
1. Mencari kata yang berhubungan.
- Buatlah sebuah lingkaran dengan satu kata di dalamnya misalnya "WATER"
- Buat anak panah di sekeliling lingkaran, misalnya 4 anak panah.
- Cari 4 kata yang berhubungan dengan water, misal anda menemukan kata Glass, river, sea, dan drink.
- Dari 4 kata tersebut pilih satu kata, misal anda pilih river, taruh dalam lingkaran dan buat 4 anak panah lagi, cari 4 kata yang berhubungan dengan river. Demikian seterusnya sehingga anda menghasilkan banyak lingkaran. Dan hitung jumlahnya.
- Anda bisa juga menggunakan kamus apabila anda belum mendapatkan kata yang dicari.
- Latihan ini bisa dikerjakan berkelompok atau sendiri juga bisa.
- Misal ada 3 orang, orang pertama mengatakan SKY, orang kedua harus dengan cepat mencari kata yang berhubungan dalam 5 detik, misal dilanjutkan dengan BLUE, orang ketiga melanjutkan dengan Color, kembali ke orang pertama dengan kata RAINBOW, dst
- Latihan ini sebaiknya dikerjakan berkelompok.
- Misal 3 orang mengikuti permainan ini. Mungkin akan tersusun kalimat-kalimat sebagia berikut :
- P1 : I bought a bag in the shop yesterday.
- P2 : The shop is near the cinema.
- P3 : The bag is black
- P1 : It is expensive
- P2 : But I like the shape, it's lovely.
- P3 : After that I bought a blanket for my baby
- etc
- Ingat latihan ini bukan tanya jawab , tetapi merupakan latihan membuat kalimat yang saling berhubungan dan di akhir latihan anda bisa membaca bersama-sama cerita yang terbentuk.
Modal Auxiliaries
Modal Auxiliaries (Kata kerja bantu modal)
Kata kerja jenis ini adalah kata kerja yang membantu verbs (kata kerja) menyatakan beberapa arti seperti KEMAMPUAN, IJIN, KEMUNGKINAN, KEWAJIBAN (sesuatu yang merupakan keharusan)
Kata kerja tersebut antara lain :
Auxiliary / kata kerja ini diikuti oleh kata kerja dalam bentuk simple.
Ketiga kata kerja di atas diikuti oleh To+ infinitive
Kata kerja jenis ini adalah kata kerja yang membantu verbs (kata kerja) menyatakan beberapa arti seperti KEMAMPUAN, IJIN, KEMUNGKINAN, KEWAJIBAN (sesuatu yang merupakan keharusan)
Kata kerja tersebut antara lain :
Auxiliary / kata kerja ini diikuti oleh kata kerja dalam bentuk simple.
Ketiga kata kerja di atas diikuti oleh To+ infinitive
Modal auxiliaries - pemakaian TO
Sering terjadi kesalahan pemakaian to seperti berikut ini :
I can to swim seharusnya I can swim
You must to go to the doctor seharusnya You must go to the doctor
You had better to see a doctor seharusnya You had better see a doctor
Have, Have got dan ought selalu diikuti oleh to
She has to go to the office earlier
John ought to obey his parent
I have got to the shop this evening
Sering terjadi kesalahan pemakaian to seperti berikut ini :
I can to swim seharusnya I can swim
You must to go to the doctor seharusnya You must go to the doctor
You had better to see a doctor seharusnya You had better see a doctor
Have, Have got dan ought selalu diikuti oleh to
She has to go to the office earlier
John ought to obey his parent
I have got to the shop this evening
Berdoa dalam Bahasa Inggris
Pernahkah anda mencoba berbicara kepada Tuhan (berdoa) dalam Bahasa Inggris? Karena Tuhan adalah pencipta semua bahasa di dunia ini tentunya Dia akan memahami apapun yang anda katakan dalam bahasa Inggris walaupun tidak sempurna.
Mungkin sebelum tidur anda bisa berdoa sederhana seperti ini :
Thanks God for today, thanks for Ur guidance all the days, thanks for every bread I have gotten, thanks for every people I have met, thanks for each activities U have permitted to be done, thanks for my lovely family, now I'm going to bed, may Your angle surround me and keep me in good sleep tonight. Tomorrow i'll wake up and rejoice Ur name for the new day You are giving. Good night God.
Berlatih berbahasa Inggris bersama Tuhan akan memberi keuntungan ganda, skill anda meningkat dan demikian juga hidup rohani anda.
Sejahtera di dunia dan di akhirat.
Mungkin sebelum tidur anda bisa berdoa sederhana seperti ini :
Thanks God for today, thanks for Ur guidance all the days, thanks for every bread I have gotten, thanks for every people I have met, thanks for each activities U have permitted to be done, thanks for my lovely family, now I'm going to bed, may Your angle surround me and keep me in good sleep tonight. Tomorrow i'll wake up and rejoice Ur name for the new day You are giving. Good night God.
Berlatih berbahasa Inggris bersama Tuhan akan memberi keuntungan ganda, skill anda meningkat dan demikian juga hidup rohani anda.
Sejahtera di dunia dan di akhirat.
Kata benda yang bisa dihitung
Kata benda (Noun) yang bisa dihitung (Count Noun) relatif mudah dipelajari. Anda dapat mengidentifikasi benda-benda di sekitar anda dan mulai mengkoleksi kata-kata tersebut.
Teknik yang digunakan adalah jangan mentranslate, tetapi ubahlah nama benda tersebut menjadi sebutan baru dalam bahasa Inggris.
Yang perlu perhatikan dalam Count Noun Adalah sbb :
1. Ada bentuk tunggal (singular)
2. Ada bentuk Jamak (Plural)
Pada bentuk Jamak, kata benda diakhiri dengan huruf s/es, anda tidak perlu terlalu pusing dengan peraturannya, kebiasaan menggunakan akan membuat anda tahu bagaimana memakai akhiran tersebut dengan tepat.
Contoh : Pen - Pens , Table -Tables , Sandwich -sandwiches
Artikel yang digunakan untuk Singular (tunggal) : a chair / one chair
Artikel yang digunakan untuk Plural (Jamak) :
Teknik yang digunakan adalah jangan mentranslate, tetapi ubahlah nama benda tersebut menjadi sebutan baru dalam bahasa Inggris.
Yang perlu perhatikan dalam Count Noun Adalah sbb :
1. Ada bentuk tunggal (singular)
2. Ada bentuk Jamak (Plural)
Pada bentuk Jamak, kata benda diakhiri dengan huruf s/es, anda tidak perlu terlalu pusing dengan peraturannya, kebiasaan menggunakan akan membuat anda tahu bagaimana memakai akhiran tersebut dengan tepat.
Contoh : Pen - Pens , Table -Tables , Sandwich -sandwiches
Artikel yang digunakan untuk Singular (tunggal) : a chair / one chair
Artikel yang digunakan untuk Plural (Jamak) :
- Numbers (Two, Three, Four Chairs)
- Several chairs
- A lot of chairs
- Many chairs
- a few chairs
Kata benda yang tak bisa dihitung
Ciri-ciri kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung :
- Tidak diawali dengan a/an/one (sebuah)
- Tidak mempunyai bentuk jamak
- Berbentuk cair : water - blood - coffee - milk - soup
- Berbentuk padat / 1/2 padat : cheese - ice - ice cream - chalk -wood - wool - meat
- Berbentuk gas : air -fog - smoke - steam - oxygen
- Fenomena alam : rain - thunder - light - snow
- Sesuatu yang tidak berbentuk fisik : happiness (kebahagiaan) - luck (keberuntungan ) - time (waktu) - anger (kemarahan)
- some
- a lot of
- much
- a little
The Winepress
by Josef Essberger
"You don't have to be French to enjoy a decent red wine," Charles Jousselin de Gruse used to tell his foreign guests whenever he entertained them in Paris. "But you do have to be French to recognize one," he would add with a laugh.
After a lifetime in the French diplomatic corps, the Count de Gruse lived with his wife in an elegant townhouse on Quai Voltaire. He was a likeable man, cultivated of course, with a well deserved reputation as a generous host and an amusing raconteur.
This evening's guests were all European and all equally convinced that immigration was at the root of Europe's problems. Charles de Gruse said nothing. He had always concealed his contempt for such ideas. And, in any case, he had never much cared for these particular guests.
The first of the red Bordeaux was being served with the veal, and one of the guests turned to de Gruse.
"Come on, Charles, it's simple arithmetic. Nothing to do with race or colour. You must've had bags of experience of this sort of thing. What d'you say?"
"Yes, General. Bags!"
Without another word, de Gruse picked up his glass and introduced his bulbous, winey nose. After a moment he looked up with watery eyes.
"A truly full-bodied Bordeaux," he said warmly, "a wine among wines."
The four guests held their glasses to the light and studied their blood-red contents. They all agreed that it was the best wine they had ever tasted.
One by one the little white lights along the Seine were coming on, and from the first-floor windows you could see the brightly lit bateaux-mouches passing through the arches of the Pont du Carrousel. The party moved on to a dish of game served with a more vigorous claret.
"Can you imagine," asked de Gruse, as the claret was poured, "that there are people who actually serve wines they know nothing about?"
"Really?" said one of the guests, a German politician.
"Personally, before I uncork a bottle I like to know what's in it."
"But how? How can anyone be sure?"
"I like to hunt around the vineyards. Take this place I used to visit in Bordeaux. I got to know the winegrower there personally. That's the way to know what you're drinking."
"A matter of pedigree, Charles," said the other politician.
"This fellow," continued de Gruse as though the Dutchman had not spoken, "always gave you the story behind his wines. One of them was the most extraordinary story I ever heard. We were tasting, in his winery, and we came to a cask that made him frown. He asked if I agreed with him that red Bordeaux was the best wine in the world. Of course, I agreed. Then he made the strangest statement.
"'The wine in this cask,' he said, and there were tears in his eyes, 'is the best vintage in the world. But it started its life far from the country where it was grown.'"
De Gruse paused to check that his guests were being served.
"Well?" said the Dutchman.
De Gruse and his wife exchanged glances.
"Do tell them, mon chéri," she said.
De Gruse leaned forwards, took another sip of wine, and dabbed his lips with the corner of his napkin. This is the story he told them.
At the age of twenty-one, Pierre - that was the name he gave the winegrower - had been sent by his father to spend some time with his uncle in Madagascar. Within two weeks he had fallen for a local girl called Faniry, or "Desire" in Malagasy. You could not blame him. At seventeen she was ravishing. In the Malagasy sunlight her skin was golden. Her black, waist-length hair, which hung straight beside her cheeks, framed large, fathomless eyes. It was a genuine coup de foudre, for both of them. Within five months they were married. Faniry had no family, but Pierre's parents came out from France for the wedding, even though they did not strictly approve of it, and for three years the young couple lived very happily on the island of Madagascar. Then, one day, a telegram came from France. Pierre's parents and his only brother had been killed in a car crash. Pierre took the next flight home to attend the funeral and manage the vineyard left by his father.
Faniry followed two weeks later. Pierre was grief-stricken, but with Faniry he settled down to running the vineyard. His family, and the lazy, idyllic days under a tropical sun, were gone forever. But he was very happily married, and he was very well-off. Perhaps, he reasoned, life in Bordeaux would not be so bad.
But he was wrong. It soon became obvious that Faniry was jealous. In Madagascar she had no match. In France she was jealous of everyone. Of the maids. Of the secretary. Even of the peasant girls who picked the grapes and giggled at her funny accent. She convinced herself that Pierre made love to each of them in turn.
She started with insinuations, simple, artless ones that Pierre hardly even recognized. Then she tried blunt accusation in the privacy of their bedroom. When he denied that, she resorted to violent, humiliating denouncements in the kitchens, the winery, the plantations. The angel that Pierre had married in Madagascar had become a termagant, blinded by jealousy. Nothing he did or said could help. Often, she would refuse to speak for a week or more, and when at last she spoke it would only be to scream yet more abuse or swear again her intention to leave him. By the third vine-harvest it was obvious to everyone that they loathed each other.
One Friday evening, Pierre was down in the winery, working on a new electric winepress. He was alone. The grape-pickers had left. Suddenly the door opened and Faniry entered, excessively made up. She walked straight up to Pierre, flung her arms around his neck, and pressed herself against him. Even above the fumes from the pressed grapes he could smell that she had been drinking.
"Darling," she sighed, "what shall we do?"
He badly wanted her, but all the past insults and humiliating scenes welled up inside him. He pushed her away.
"But, darling, I'm going to have a baby."
"Don't be absurd. Go to bed! You're drunk. And take that paint off. It makes you look like a tart."
Faniry's face blackened, and she threw herself at him with new accusations. He had never cared for her. He cared only about sex. He was obsessed with it. And with white women. But the women in France, the white women, they were the tarts, and he was welcome to them. She snatched a knife from the wall and lunged at him with it. She was in tears, but it took all his strength to keep the knife from his throat. Eventually he pushed her off, and she stumbled towards the winepress. Pierre stood, breathing heavily, as the screw of the press caught at her hair and dragged her in. She screamed, struggling to free herself. The screw bit slowly into her shoulder and she screamed again. Then she fainted, though whether from the pain or the fumes he was not sure. He looked away until a sickening sound told him it was over. Then he raised his arm and switched the current off.
The guests shuddered visibly and de Gruse paused in his story.
"Well, I won't go into the details at table," he said. "Pierre fed the rest of the body into the press and tidied up. Then he went up to the house, had a bath, ate a meal, and went to bed. The next day, he told everyone Faniry had finally left him and gone back to Madagascar. No-one was surprised."
He paused again. His guests sat motionless, their eyes turned towards him.
"Of course," he continued, "Sixty-five was a bad year for red Bordeaux. Except for Pierre's. That was the extraordinary thing. It won award after award, and nobody could understand why."
The general's wife cleared her throat.
"But, surely," she said, "you didn't taste it?"
"No, I didn't taste it, though Pierre did assure me his wife had lent the wine an incomparable aroma."
"And you didn't, er, buy any?" asked the general.
"How could I refuse? It isn't every day that one finds such a pedigree."
There was a long silence. The Dutchman shifted awkwardly in his seat, his glass poised midway between the table and his open lips. The other guests looked around uneasily at each other. They did not understand.
"But look here, Gruse," said the general at last, "you don't mean to tell me we're drinking this damned woman now, d'you?"
De Gruse gazed impassively at the Englishman.
"Heaven forbid, General," he said slowly. "Everyone knows that the best vintage should always come first."
"You don't have to be French to enjoy a decent red wine," Charles Jousselin de Gruse used to tell his foreign guests whenever he entertained them in Paris. "But you do have to be French to recognize one," he would add with a laugh.
After a lifetime in the French diplomatic corps, the Count de Gruse lived with his wife in an elegant townhouse on Quai Voltaire. He was a likeable man, cultivated of course, with a well deserved reputation as a generous host and an amusing raconteur.
This evening's guests were all European and all equally convinced that immigration was at the root of Europe's problems. Charles de Gruse said nothing. He had always concealed his contempt for such ideas. And, in any case, he had never much cared for these particular guests.
The first of the red Bordeaux was being served with the veal, and one of the guests turned to de Gruse.
"Come on, Charles, it's simple arithmetic. Nothing to do with race or colour. You must've had bags of experience of this sort of thing. What d'you say?"
"Yes, General. Bags!"
Without another word, de Gruse picked up his glass and introduced his bulbous, winey nose. After a moment he looked up with watery eyes.
"A truly full-bodied Bordeaux," he said warmly, "a wine among wines."
The four guests held their glasses to the light and studied their blood-red contents. They all agreed that it was the best wine they had ever tasted.
One by one the little white lights along the Seine were coming on, and from the first-floor windows you could see the brightly lit bateaux-mouches passing through the arches of the Pont du Carrousel. The party moved on to a dish of game served with a more vigorous claret.
"Can you imagine," asked de Gruse, as the claret was poured, "that there are people who actually serve wines they know nothing about?"
"Really?" said one of the guests, a German politician.
"Personally, before I uncork a bottle I like to know what's in it."
"But how? How can anyone be sure?"
"I like to hunt around the vineyards. Take this place I used to visit in Bordeaux. I got to know the winegrower there personally. That's the way to know what you're drinking."
"A matter of pedigree, Charles," said the other politician.
"This fellow," continued de Gruse as though the Dutchman had not spoken, "always gave you the story behind his wines. One of them was the most extraordinary story I ever heard. We were tasting, in his winery, and we came to a cask that made him frown. He asked if I agreed with him that red Bordeaux was the best wine in the world. Of course, I agreed. Then he made the strangest statement.
"'The wine in this cask,' he said, and there were tears in his eyes, 'is the best vintage in the world. But it started its life far from the country where it was grown.'"
De Gruse paused to check that his guests were being served.
"Well?" said the Dutchman.
De Gruse and his wife exchanged glances.
"Do tell them, mon chéri," she said.
De Gruse leaned forwards, took another sip of wine, and dabbed his lips with the corner of his napkin. This is the story he told them.
At the age of twenty-one, Pierre - that was the name he gave the winegrower - had been sent by his father to spend some time with his uncle in Madagascar. Within two weeks he had fallen for a local girl called Faniry, or "Desire" in Malagasy. You could not blame him. At seventeen she was ravishing. In the Malagasy sunlight her skin was golden. Her black, waist-length hair, which hung straight beside her cheeks, framed large, fathomless eyes. It was a genuine coup de foudre, for both of them. Within five months they were married. Faniry had no family, but Pierre's parents came out from France for the wedding, even though they did not strictly approve of it, and for three years the young couple lived very happily on the island of Madagascar. Then, one day, a telegram came from France. Pierre's parents and his only brother had been killed in a car crash. Pierre took the next flight home to attend the funeral and manage the vineyard left by his father.
Faniry followed two weeks later. Pierre was grief-stricken, but with Faniry he settled down to running the vineyard. His family, and the lazy, idyllic days under a tropical sun, were gone forever. But he was very happily married, and he was very well-off. Perhaps, he reasoned, life in Bordeaux would not be so bad.
But he was wrong. It soon became obvious that Faniry was jealous. In Madagascar she had no match. In France she was jealous of everyone. Of the maids. Of the secretary. Even of the peasant girls who picked the grapes and giggled at her funny accent. She convinced herself that Pierre made love to each of them in turn.
She started with insinuations, simple, artless ones that Pierre hardly even recognized. Then she tried blunt accusation in the privacy of their bedroom. When he denied that, she resorted to violent, humiliating denouncements in the kitchens, the winery, the plantations. The angel that Pierre had married in Madagascar had become a termagant, blinded by jealousy. Nothing he did or said could help. Often, she would refuse to speak for a week or more, and when at last she spoke it would only be to scream yet more abuse or swear again her intention to leave him. By the third vine-harvest it was obvious to everyone that they loathed each other.
One Friday evening, Pierre was down in the winery, working on a new electric winepress. He was alone. The grape-pickers had left. Suddenly the door opened and Faniry entered, excessively made up. She walked straight up to Pierre, flung her arms around his neck, and pressed herself against him. Even above the fumes from the pressed grapes he could smell that she had been drinking.
"Darling," she sighed, "what shall we do?"
He badly wanted her, but all the past insults and humiliating scenes welled up inside him. He pushed her away.
"But, darling, I'm going to have a baby."
"Don't be absurd. Go to bed! You're drunk. And take that paint off. It makes you look like a tart."
Faniry's face blackened, and she threw herself at him with new accusations. He had never cared for her. He cared only about sex. He was obsessed with it. And with white women. But the women in France, the white women, they were the tarts, and he was welcome to them. She snatched a knife from the wall and lunged at him with it. She was in tears, but it took all his strength to keep the knife from his throat. Eventually he pushed her off, and she stumbled towards the winepress. Pierre stood, breathing heavily, as the screw of the press caught at her hair and dragged her in. She screamed, struggling to free herself. The screw bit slowly into her shoulder and she screamed again. Then she fainted, though whether from the pain or the fumes he was not sure. He looked away until a sickening sound told him it was over. Then he raised his arm and switched the current off.
The guests shuddered visibly and de Gruse paused in his story.
"Well, I won't go into the details at table," he said. "Pierre fed the rest of the body into the press and tidied up. Then he went up to the house, had a bath, ate a meal, and went to bed. The next day, he told everyone Faniry had finally left him and gone back to Madagascar. No-one was surprised."
He paused again. His guests sat motionless, their eyes turned towards him.
"Of course," he continued, "Sixty-five was a bad year for red Bordeaux. Except for Pierre's. That was the extraordinary thing. It won award after award, and nobody could understand why."
The general's wife cleared her throat.
"But, surely," she said, "you didn't taste it?"
"No, I didn't taste it, though Pierre did assure me his wife had lent the wine an incomparable aroma."
"And you didn't, er, buy any?" asked the general.
"How could I refuse? It isn't every day that one finds such a pedigree."
There was a long silence. The Dutchman shifted awkwardly in his seat, his glass poised midway between the table and his open lips. The other guests looked around uneasily at each other. They did not understand.
"But look here, Gruse," said the general at last, "you don't mean to tell me we're drinking this damned woman now, d'you?"
De Gruse gazed impassively at the Englishman.
"Heaven forbid, General," he said slowly. "Everyone knows that the best vintage should always come first."
Cara Mudah membuat Kalimat bahasa inggris bagi pemula (mengulang)
Pada waktu saya mengajar Bahasa Inggris pada seseorang / sekelompok murid, biasanya selalu ada sesi untuk latihan membuat kalimat. Nah, pada sesi ini biasanya sering terjadi suasana hening, mengapa ? Karena mereka pada mikir, mau bikin kalimat gimana ? Apalagi kalau ditunjuk, biasanya para murid akan blank dan kebingungan. memori kosa kata yang tersimpan di otak tiba-tiba tidak bisa diakses, dan akhirnya ekspresi terakhir dari proses berpikir, yaitu berbicara, terhenti :)
Bagaimana cara mengatasi hal ini ?
Pada posting saya di awal blog saya pernah membahas tentang struktur kalimat yaitu Subyek, predikat, obyek, dan keterangan. Kita bisa memulai latihan membuat kalimat sederhana dari sini. Anda bisa melihat keterangan lengkap tentang S-P-O-K (klik di sini).
Nah, pola S-P-O-K ini bisa disingkat dengan rumus sederhana. Pada waktu kita mau berlatih untuk membuat kalimat sederhana pikirkan rumus ini :
SIAPA ? (yaitu Subyeknya : I,You, They, We, He, She, Arman, Lusi, etc)
NGAPAIN ? (Yaitu predikatnya, berupa kata kerja atau kata kerja bantu)
NGAPAIN APA ? (Yaitu obyeknya)
DI MANA ? (Adverb of place)
KAPAN ? (Adverb of time)
BAGAIMANA CARANYA (Adverb of manner)
Ok, selamat belajar, point ini sudah pernah saya bahas sebelumnya tapi saya ulang untuk menyegarkan ingatan, dan karena ada beberapa pertanyaan tentang hal ini.
Salam Sukses !
sumber :
Bagaimana cara mengatasi hal ini ?
Pada posting saya di awal blog saya pernah membahas tentang struktur kalimat yaitu Subyek, predikat, obyek, dan keterangan. Kita bisa memulai latihan membuat kalimat sederhana dari sini. Anda bisa melihat keterangan lengkap tentang S-P-O-K (klik di sini).
Nah, pola S-P-O-K ini bisa disingkat dengan rumus sederhana. Pada waktu kita mau berlatih untuk membuat kalimat sederhana pikirkan rumus ini :
SIAPA ? (yaitu Subyeknya : I,You, They, We, He, She, Arman, Lusi, etc)
NGAPAIN ? (Yaitu predikatnya, berupa kata kerja atau kata kerja bantu)
NGAPAIN APA ? (Yaitu obyeknya)
DI MANA ? (Adverb of place)
KAPAN ? (Adverb of time)
BAGAIMANA CARANYA (Adverb of manner)
Ok, selamat belajar, point ini sudah pernah saya bahas sebelumnya tapi saya ulang untuk menyegarkan ingatan, dan karena ada beberapa pertanyaan tentang hal ini.
Salam Sukses !
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